School Vision


Jesus says, "I have come that they may have life and have it in all its fullness." 
John 10:10

Our school vision is to ensure that God’s aspiration for us all, as expressed in Jesus’s words from John 10:10, is reflected in our aspiration for all of our children and staff to experience a full and rich life. Our vision means that as unique individuals in the eyes of God - we seek to thrive together in love, life and learning.

Our vision means that:
  • We seek to develop the whole child – their character, their learning and their ambitions.
  • We have high expectations for all of our children.
  • We foster a love of learning through exciting and enjoyable learning opportunities.
  • We aspire for everyone to achieve high levels of progress.
  • We live out our school vision every day using our distinctive Christian values as a guide. 

How do we organise ourselves to bring our vision to life? 
  • Each classroom is an inclusive learning environment where all children can thrive.
  • We use teaching and learning strategies that engage and challenge all children.
  • We use the resources we have efficiently and effectively to make sure that our children thrive in their learning. 

What do we do to make sure our vision includes everyone? 
  • We maintain a sharp and clear focus on every child’s individual progress and development to ensure they achieve the very best they can.
  • Our curriculum provides experiential, creative, imaginative and challenging learning.
  • We target support and intervention carefully to ensure that all children are making the best progress they can.
  • We take part in worship that enriches the life of our school and builds us up in faith, hope and love. 

How are we with each other so that everyone can experience life in all its fullness? 
  • We look to Jesus Christ as our pioneer and guide. We use our distinctive Christian values to live out our school vision and to make sure that every adult and child in our school community feels happy, safe and cared for.
  • We communicate effectively across the school community.
  • We work collaboratively together. 
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