Behaviour & Welfare



  • School Rules

    Our school council created a set of shared school rules for all of us to follow. These rules help us to ensure that we are demonstrating our school's values.

    We are helpful

    We make sure everybody is looked after.

    We are honest

    We don't lie and always tell the truth.

    We are respectful

    We are kind to others and respect property.

    We work hard

    We are thankful for our education.

    We are loving

    We don't bully, tease or hurt others.

  • School Values

    Our school community identified a set of shared school values for all of us to follow. Our school values are those that help us to ensure that we aim to live out our school vision.







  • School Vision

    Our school community identified a school vision for all of us to aspire to. Our school vision helps us to ensure that we aim to experience a full and rich life.

    Jesus says, "I have come that they may have life and have it in all its fullness."

    John 10:10

Behaviour Policy

Home-School Agreement

On being admitted to the school, we ask all of our families to read and sign our home school agreement. This helps to establish different roles and sets out what the school does.

Pupil Welfare

We ask parents to keep us informed of relevant medical needs or information. It is very important that we know information about conditions such as asthma, allergies, hearing or sight impairments, eczema, diabetes or epilepsy.

Please advise us promptly of any changes which may affect your child’s medical, social, emotional and psychological well-being at school.

  • Parent Contact Details

    It is very important that we are able to contact parents in case of illness or in an emergency. 

    We ask that the parents inform us of their work and home telephone numbers and the name, address and telephone number of a friend or relative who could be contacted in an emergency. 

    It is also very important that in the event that contact details change, the school is informed of any changes. 

    If you wish to make any updates please use the Pupil Contact Form and submit it to the school office.

  • Accidents

    If it is necessary for your child to visit hospital following an accident, we shall notify you by telephone and ask if you can arrange to transport your child. 

    In cases of emergency we will call an ambulance or use our own cars.

  • Child Protection

    St. James & St. John is committed to safeguarding and promoting the welfare of all its pupils. 

    The school's Safeguarding Policy and Child Protection Policy details the procedures that the school has put in place to ensure that staff are protecting children from harm and promoting their welfare.

  • Data Protection

    St. James and St. John is commited to a policy of protecting the rights and privacy of individuals, including pupils, staff and others, in accordance with the Data Protection Act (1998). 

    We recognise that we do hold personal information about pupils and parents and we handle this information sensitvely and with care. 

    More details can be found in the school's Data Protection Policy.

Pupil Attendance

At St. James & St. John, we stress the importance of pupils attending school regularly and punctually. This is essential for the academic and personal development of the pupils.

If a child is absent, parents must inform the school by 9:00am, and it is vital that the reason for the child’s absence is given.

We expect that all parents will ensure that their children are in school every day during term time. Being late, or being absent from school causes a lost learning opportunity for the child.

For more detailed information see the St. James & St. John Attendance Policy.

  • Punctuality

    • All children must be in their classroom for registration by 8.45am
    • Parents and children arriving after 8.45am must report to the school office to be registered.
    • Children who arrive after the registers close are marked absent for the morning session. This will affect your child's attendance record.
    • All information regarding children who are persistently late is shared with the Local Authority Attendance Service.
    • Persistent lateness and absence may result in a fine or prosecution.
  • Doctor or Dentist Appointments

    Appointments with doctors and dentists should be made outside school hours.

    If your child has a hospital appointment during school hours, the school office must be informed in advance, and a copy of the appointment letter produced.

  • Holiday Requests

    Parents are not permitted to take their children out of school for holidays during term time. Parents should note that if children are taken out of school for holidays this could result in the child being removed from the school roll.

    Any requests for exceptional leave of absence during term time, must be made in writing using the school's form. This is available from the school office. Authorisation for exceptional leave will only be made in exceptional circumstances at the school's discretion.

  • ACE Team Information

    The local authority attendance team monitor absence from schools and work with the school to improve attendance and take legal action if necessary.

    Please find below their general guidance leaflet on attendance for parents.

    ACE Leaflet on School Attendance for Parents and Carers.

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